Friday, 10 September 2010

Celebrity Spotting!

WELL, clearly the most exciting part of the trip so far (not really of course, but y'know...) was slagging off David Beckham's pimped up Land Rover while it was sitting at the lights we were crossing near the supermarket in Santa Monica (LA)...of course we didn't realise it was him and his kids as we (well, CHRIS) slagged off the pimped up wheels etc, but it sure was a hoot when it dawned on us! Chris was like, "how come such a young guy trying to look so cool in his stupid car has got a bunch of kids in car seats in the back?", and then, as I looked into the eyes of young Romeo in the front seat, it dawned on me, and replied, "because he's David Beckham?" AAAAaaaargh! But by that point we'd fully crossed over and all the windows on the other side were up and were blacked that's our L.A celebrity sighting, and we weren't even mooching about near the Hollywood sign (where of COURSE all the celebs just loiter), so that was exciting!

We're off to ride the big rollercoasters at Six Flags Magic Mountain tomorrow, so let's see whether Christopher can keep his breakfast down ; )

Apparently not much internet in Fiji (or it's expensive and we'd need need to sell the only kidney that's left over from Vegas) so cheerio for now, and will let you know how we get on in tropical paradise when i can...ho hum, what a hard life! xxx

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